Projects & Collaboration

Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor - Innovation Support Feasibility Study

Fingal County Council, on behalf of the DBEC, are leading on a Feasibility Study into the development of a Regional Innovation Hub network within the Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor. The Study will undertake engagement and demand analysis, which will seek to expand the current innovation hub network through the creation of new innovation focused facilities or the development /expansion of existing facilities where relevant.

The final report will be published in late 2023.

Feasibility Study: Connected Circular Economy

Dublin City Council, in partnership with Belfast City Council are undertaking a feasibility study into a 'connected circular economy'. The report will explore the feasibility of developing circular economy husbs operating between Dublin and Belfast which will support the transition to a Circular Economy and meet national ambitons around climate, waste and economic development in Ireland and the UK.

The final report will be published in late 2023/early 2024.