Business Supports

Business advice and funding.

The Dublin Belfast Economic Corridor is a great place to do business, with a region rich in opportunity, innovation, and economic vibrancy.

There is a wide range of supports available to businesses in the form of advice, guidance, and funding. This includes local authorities, and regional and national agencies such as Enterprise Ireland, Invest Northern Ireland and IDA Ireland. 

These two Economic Development / Foreign Direct Investment Agencies provide:

  • Key insights into regional industries
  • Advice regarding customers, competitors and service providers
  • Tailored support to improve productivity, innovation and export growth
  • Liaison with knowledge institutions and relevant public authorities
  • Visits to test and innovation facilities
Business supports in Northern Ireland
Invest NI

As the regional business development agency in Northern Ireland, Invest NI role is to grow the local economy. They do this by helping new and existing businesses to compete internationally, and by attracting new investment to Northern Ireland. is an additional free service offered by Invest Northern Ireland, is the official online channel for business advice and guidance in Northern Ireland.

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Go Succeed

Support to start, grow and scale a business is available from your local council. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur just starting out, are looking to grow your business, or are planning to scale up, Go Succeed industry experts will provide tailored support and guidance to help you achieve your business goals.

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Enterprise NI

Enterprise NI has a network of local Enterprise Agencies. These support small business and community / social enterprises by providing:
- information on government help for small business
- professional advisers
- low-cost loans, grant aid and other finance
- support for small businesses that are acquiring new information technologies
- support for business growth and development
- industrial and office space

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Business Supports in Ireland
IDA Ireland

IDA Ireland promotes and develops Foreign Direct Investment in Ireland.

The Government agency provides a range of support and services to help foreign companies quickly establish and develop their operations in Ireland. These services include introducing foreign companies to other FDI companies, and facilitating site visits to property locations, banks and regulators.

They provide advice on financial incentives, funding and grants available to those considering foreign direct investment in Ireland and award funding and grants on a case-by-case basis. In Ireland, IDA Ireland's main objective is to contribute to Ireland's economic development through the promotion of inward investment in the economy.

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Enterprise Ireland

Enterprise Ireland is responsible for the development and growth of Irish businesses and start-up internationally.

The team in Enterprise Ireland, work in partnership with Irish businesses to help them start, grow, innovate and win export sales in global markets. Enterprise Ireland offer funding supports, and provide supports to develop competitiveness in international markets. They also provide exporting assistance, and access to a global network of contacts.

visit website
Local Enterprise Offices

A first-stop-shop for anyone seeking information on starting and growing a business in ROI.

visit website
Cross-Border Supports
InterTrade Ireland

Connects and helps business across the Island of Ireland to trade cross-border, collaborate, innovate and attract investment, InterTrade Ireland have a unique role to make connections across the island, facilitate collaboration, and to identify shared policy and all-island opportunities to accelerate economic growth.

visit website
Chamber of Commerce

There are numerous Chambers of Commerce located along and within the Economic Corridor that provides opportunities for businesses to network and a range of business supports. Membership is across all regions, North and South and across all business sectors and they are uniquely positioned to represent the views of businesses and understand their concerns.

visit NI Chamber websitevisit Ireland Chamber website

Business Supports

Education Sector

Helping to close the gap between business needs and education provision, our education system ensures people are provided with the opportunity to develop their careers through a range of new skills, upskilling and reskilling programmes.

Helping businesses to improve recruitment, our institutions also work at a grassroots level with primary and post primary schools across the region to develop a pro-business approach within local communities.

Across both jurisdictions there are a range of skills supports to provide help and support to businesses.

Skills Supports

Technological Higher Education Associations
Education and Training Boards / Further and Higher Education Colleges
Regional Skills Forums (Dublin Regional Skills Forum, North East Regional Skills Forum and Mid East Regional Skills Forum)
Enterprise Ireland / Local Enterprise Offices
Skillnet Ireland

Northern Ireland

Department of Economy
FE/HE Colleges
Armagh City, Bandbridge and Craigavon Labour Market Partnership
Newry, Mourne and Down Labour Market Partnership
Lisburn & Castlereagh Labour Market Partnership
Belfast Labour Market Partnership
Enterprise Northern Ireland
Private sector / social economy providers